The Toteable Treadstep™

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T o t e a b l e    T r e a d s t e p

P.O. Box 10131 * Longview, TX 75608-0131 * (903) 918-2132

The inventor is proud to announce the newest addition to the "The Toteable Treadstep" family, "the Mini". With all the benefits of the "Queen" and "Executive" models the "Mini" is exactly what its name implies; smaller in size ... but not in delivery. Its purpose is to give the user a great "Sit ‘n Shape" treadmill workout as well as a Foot message with the step deck stair climbing cardio-vascular workout option.

The Toteable Treadstep has 2 full size treadmill models with step deck conversion:
       The Queen & The Executive (2" wider)

The Toteable Treadstep
is a two in one exercising device; treadmill with stair step deck conversion.designed and created to fulfill the need and desire for affordability and easy accessibiltiy for individuals to exercise with limited space and time. This is NOT a mechanical monster that literally consumes your bedroom, living room with a normal fate of clothing decoration as it is so big it is NOT, or easily moved. The cost of one of those mechanical marvels is hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

In short, this is a space saving non-obtrusive device that’s lightweight, compact and affordable accomplishing the same desired results for pennies on the dollar while delivering and meeting all desired criteria. Such a device is either non-existent or simply not available on the market today, until now.

Make no mistake this is a professional
2 in 1 exerxising product:    1.) treadmill - delivers supplemental simulate walking, jogging, running leg exercise and 2.) step deck conversion simulate stair climbing heart-healthy aerobics while in the security and safety of; home, office, apartment, RV, hotel while enjoying a climate controlled atmosphere.

The Toteable Treadstep, (Executive model pictured) in treadmill operation with optional swing handles allows user normal arm swing movement and user assistance for balance and stability. Set up in the inventors RV for an inside application away from the elements outside. The cozy atmosphere of fireplace and TV demonstrates that The Toteable Treadstepis truly a non-obtrusive small compact exercising device that's easily and conveniently accessible; but importantly, it actually works.

The intent of this product is to provide the exercising enthusiast an inexpensive, economical compact lightweight small sized portable movable structurally sound two in one treadmill / step deck conversion device that fits conveniently into small spaces such as: RV, apartment, dorm room, hotel, office etc… and is easily transported by car, bus, boat for accessibility anytime, anywhere wherever and whenever user feels the incentive to exercise. Thus allowing the user the flexibility of use virtually anytime and anywhere to conveniently walk, jog, run, step in shape, and health while in a safe and secure environment.

User Restrictions limited: 230lb. 6'4"
Basic Unit Weight less than 20 lb.

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