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The Toteable Treadstep
MINI Model:
3 in 1 device; foot message, treadmill, step deck ........ $ TBA
QUEEN Model:
Includes Treadmill and Step Deck Conversion ............. $ TBA
Standard treadmill width with Normal Stride step length
Includes Treadmill and Step Deck Conversion ............... $TBA
2' wider treadmill width with Normal Stride step length
Swing Handles .............................................................. $ TBA
Handrail ........................................................................ $ TBA
Riser Blocks (set of 6 blocks) ........................................... $ TBA
Totebag .......................................................................... $ TBA
No tax,
Plus shipping / handling charges
calculated by weight & address
The MINI model comes with handy totebag
Executive Model 2" Wider than Queen model
Shown with Optional Swing Handles